Oxidative Stress in covid

Viral infections are known to cause oxidative stress. Think of each of your body’s cells as a finely tuned efficient factory. Then think of the virus as a bunch of thugs that come into the factory and take over 60% of the machinery and start doing crazy things with it. In the process, they start throwing hammers randomly… the hammers are like reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cell.

Anything that promotes oxidative stress appears to be good for the virus… i.e. being older, being obese, experiencing anxiety or emotional stress, eating lots of sugar, cake, or bread… Whereas, antioxidants such as Vit C, Vit E, and natural antioxidants found in vegetables and berries may slow viral replication and minimize damage from ROS. Even moderate exercise needs additional energy generated from our mitochondria and an unavoidable consequence of more energy production is … more oxidative stress. So, it is not a good idea to ‘push it’ or try to exercise at your prior to long covid level! Our sensitivity to oxidative stress is why I take 750 mg to 1000 mg NAC daily as this boosts our cell’s ability to manage oxidative stress. NAC is the rate-limiting precursor to glutathione. And glutathione is our cell’s main antioxidant. Less oxidative stress means less aging in our bodies and brains during our long covid battle. I also eat lots of blueberries!!

The novel coronavirus evolved in bats, before jumping species… eventually into people. Many long-haulers report relapses or initial long-haul symptoms after strenuous exercise. Bats increase their metabolism 16X when going from a torpor to flying. Therefore the SARS-COV-2 virus has adapted to a high oxidative stress environment. In fact, based on anecdotal reports, it appears to thrive and rapidly replicate during cellular oxidative stress.

Unfortunately, oxidative stress goes hand in hand with chronic infection. It is a factor in aging, dementia, and may even cause hair loss.


Dr Klimas, a ME/CFS expert and clinician recommends 750 mg of NAC twice a day, 200 mg of CoQ10 as Ubiquinol or 600 mg as Ubiquinone, a daily multivitamin including Selenium and Zinc and eating lots of rainbow colored vegetables and berries for natural antioxidants. Very import to minimize the oxidative stress and damage to your brain!!