Recover from Long Covid via the Autophagy Protocol

Based on weekly symptom survey responses from 171 long-haulers in 2021, 70% showed a reduction in symptoms. The graph below shows the average reduction in long covid symptoms vs weeks following the Autophagy protocol for the 70% whom reported a net reduction in their symptoms.

From the May 31st. 2021 cumulative data, I categorized people into “responders” and “non-responders”. Non-responders did not report any net decrease in symptoms or they reported an increase in symptoms. Responders to the autophagy protocol saw a net decrease of at least one symptom. In one case, 18 symptoms went away. The graph above is the average number of symptoms reported vs weeks on the protocol for the Responders group.

117 out of 166 long haulers (70.5%) that took multiple weekly symptom surveys reported a net decrease in the number of their symptoms. Unfortunately, 29.5% did not report a net decrease in the number of their long covid symptoms. Of course, recovery is often not linear as the trend line above would suggest. We know that recoveries from long covid can plateau, improve at a very slow rate, or even that symptoms can bounce around from week to week. Also major relapses are all too common. Given all the difficulties, I was encouraged to see a plot where the average number of symptoms for 117 “responders” shows a decrease from an average of 11 symptoms to 4.6 symptoms after 16 weeks.  Yes, recovery can be a slow gradual process. The best responders see a decrease of two symptoms per week, but a more typical good response would be a net decrease of one symptom every two weeks.

Disclaimer, this is not published peer reviewed data. It should be regarded as preliminary or directional data.

To learn more about the Autophagy Protocol, a novel self-treatment approach, download it as a PDF file to your PC, tablet, or phone and then print it out for quick reference.